In the event of an incident covered by insurance, please complete the digital claims form online here.
In principle, insurance coverage requires that the underlying product or service be paid for using a credit card. To learn more about the exact terms and conditions, please read the various insurance policies provided on our website in the credit cards section by clicking on any of the corresponding PDF links .
Should you have any questions or concerns about the validity of your insurance coverage, please contact our insurance broker Willis Towers Watson Luxembourg by calling +352 46 96 01 321 Monday–Friday, 8am–5.30pm, or send an email to, in French, German, Luxembourgish or English..
Assistance services are offered to credit card holders only. To request assistance, please contact our partner Europ Assistance (Belgium) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on +32 2 541 90 45 or send an email to
TThese services include repatriation, hospitalisation or bike assistance.
To learn more about the exact terms and conditions, please read the various assistance policies provided on our website in the credit cards section, by clicking on any of the corresponding PDF links .