• You have never had a LuxTrust product
    Please refer to the LuxTrust Mobile activation guide if you have never had a LuxTrust product.
  • You already have a LuxTrust certificate with another bank
    You can use the same LuxTrust Mobile application to log on with several Luxembourg banks. Please note that it is only possible to install one LuxTrust certificate per device (mobile phone, tablet). If you register the LuxTrust product you hold with another bank with BIL now, you’ll be able to use it in BILnet as well.

    To do this, contact us on +352 4590 7777 or by secure messenger indicating the SSN number of the certificate you wish to use in BILnet.
    Find your SSN number on this page.

N.B.: LuxTrust Mobile can be activated on a maximum of two devices.

For security reasons and in line with CSSF requirements, LuxTrust Mobile is compatible with Apple 10.0 and Android version 6.0 devices or newer.