

As a systemically important institution, BIL attaches great importance to its governance. BIL is supervised at national and European level and governed by a Board of Directors and a Executive Committee.


The Bank strictly adheres to legal requirements to have a clear organisational structure with transparent lines of responsibility and adequate internal control mechanisms - including sound administrative and accounting procedures - as well as remuneration policies that promote effective risk management.

BIL's corporate governance framework is laid out in a Charter

As a systemically important institution, BIL is supervised by the European Central Bank together with Luxembourg’s Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier.

Management bodies

The administration of the bank is entrusted to its Board of Directors, whose members are appointed by the shareholders’ general meeting. The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the overall strategic and organisational objectives of BIL and its subsidiaries and branches are attained.

The Board of Directors has delegated the daily management of the bank to the Executive Committee, which is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer.

Board of Directors

  • Marcel LEYERS Chair
  • Jing LI Vice-Chair, Legend Holdings Representative
  • Ashley GLOVER Director, Staff Representative
  • Maurice LAM Independent Director
  • Peng LI Director, Legend Holdings Representative
  • Charles Q. Li Independent director
  • Benoît Migeaux Director, Staff Representative
  • Pierrot RASQUÉ Director, State of Luxembourg Representative
  • Claude STEFFEN Director, Staff Representative
  • Marc TERZER Director, Staff Representative
  • Vincent THURMES Director, State of Luxembourg Representative
  • Chris VAN AEKEN Independent Director

Executive Committee

  • Jeffrey DENTZER CEO, Chairman of the Executive Committee Member of the Executive Committee
  • Hedi Ben Mahmoud Chief Risk Officer Member of the Executive Committee
  • Hans-Peter BORGH Group Head International Member of the Executive Committee
  • Olivier Gorin Chief Operating Officer Member of the Executive Committee
  • Claude Eyschen Head of Wealth Management Member of the Executive Committee
  • Emilie HOËL Head of CEO Office Member of the Executive Committee
  • Jian (Helen) LIANG Head of China Market Member of the Executive Committee
  • Bernard MOMMENS Member of the Executive Committee
  • Jérôme NÈBLE Head of Strategy, Secretary General and Balance Sheet management Member of the Executive Committee
  • Nico PICARD Chief Financial Officer Member of the Executive Committee
  • Karin SCHOLTES Chief of Luxembourg Market and CIB Member of the Executive Committee
  • Marie BOURLOND Chief Compliance Officer Permanent Invitee of the Executive Committee
  • Elsa Dorschel Chief Internal Auditor Permanent Invitee of the Executive Committee
  • Frédéric Sudret Secretary General and General Counsel Permanent Invitee of the Executive Committee