Simplify your electronic banking exchanges
with the adoption of a common communication standard
From October 1st 2023, certain changes will be made to the format of your CAMT053_V2 extracts:
New CAMT053_V2 format:
What is EBICS?
EBICS (Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard) is an internet transmission protocol for use by professionals, and therefore based on the highest security standards.
“BIL, a leading multi-channel banking partner for corporate and institutional clients”
Simplify the exchange of banking files
- Streamline your communication channels: EBICS is increasingly being adopted by countries and enterprise software as the common standard for banking communication – the ideal tool for centralised treasury management
- Automated uploads: the use of scripts avoids the need for manual connection
- The EBICS protocol guarantees the confidentiality and inalterability of your data
- BIL supports both the EBICS T and EBICS TS protocols
- Protocol based on high security standards at all levels: reciprocal authentication of partners, integrity of messages ensured during transfer, confidentiality of content exchanged, non-repudiation of instructions due to electronic signatures.
We have a dedicated centre of expertise available to offer support with the efficient implementation of the channel, both on a contractual basis and as regards technical issues.
Information on BIL-EBICS
Official websites describing the EBICS protocol
Protocol versions supported by BIL
STANDARD SUPPORTED VERSIONS Type Version START DATE END DATE CFONB - Comité Français d’Organisation et de Normalisation Bancaires TS - transport et signature 2.4.2 01/01/2017 / ZKA - Zentraler Kreditausschuss (Allemagne) T - transport 2.5 01/01/2017 / -
Flow types offered by BIL
Service Formats Relevés de compte MT940, Camt.053 Paiements SEPA (SCT) et internationaux (XCT) Pain.001.001.03 Paiements internationaux (XCT) Pain.001.001.03 Domiciliations SDD (à partir de Q2 2017) Pain.008.001.02 Status report SDD (à partir de Q2 2017) Pain.002.001.03 -
Service availability
o Normal hours: business days from 7am to 7pm
List of certification authorities recognised by BIL
PSCE (PRESTATAIRE DE SERVICE DE CONFIANCE ELECTRONIQUE) CERTIFICATE FAMILY NAME CSP (Certification Service Provider) Certificate Family Name CAISSE DES DEPOTS & CONSIGNATIONS CDC-LEGALIA Entreprise/Administration Signature CERTEUROPE Classe3lus V2 CERTINOMIS Signature PRO CERTINOMIS Téléprocédure CLICK AND TRUST MERCANTEO CLICK AND TRUST MERCANTERO V2 KEYNETICS Ksign RGS 2 étoiles KEYNETICS Ksign RGS 3 étoiles NATIXIS CesamOR (Nouvelle) SWIFT Business Certificate Swift Secure Signature Key (3SKey)